Music is an all encompassing but insular process. A different air. Space and place is important . The Creatures played blind mans buff with a map of the world. The amazing three day New Years eve! Budgie bought Heinz baked beans and some drum sticks to Hawaii. A sense of occasion. To go outside of the normal experience. You have to grow by being put in a different environment and then responding. You need to unravel. Life is about risking things. Lol found Love in Los Angeles. Punk gave us a kick. People work more with references now rather than their own experience. Constant access to music from references that was made from an idiosyncratic place. No to curation, it’s not life! Zola is in this for the music not the industry which does not reward innovation. More gradient less algorithm. Weightlifting to the Dead Kennedys.

She was a 6 year old opera singer. Resplendent in Red in Seattle like a zoo animal. Performing is a chance to let your ID go wild and lose control! Diamanda Galás as example. Budgie and Lol found our tribe in our youth. As did Zola growing up in Wisconsin in the woods. Feeling like an introverted outcast. Making music is like putting out the feelers to find people in common. That’s what music community is about. Music holds communal catharsis. We are in a period of transition – pandemic, politics, change is coming. We’re still hopeful after all these years!

Curious Creatures:
Website: https://curiouscreaturespodcast.com
Facebook: @CuriousCreaturesOfficial
Twitter: @curecreatures
Instagram: @CuriousCreaturesOfficial  

Lol Tolhurst:  
Facebook: @officialloltolhurst  
Twitter: @LolTolhurst  
Instagram: @lol.tolhurst  

Facebook: @budgieofficial  
Twitter: @TuWhit2whoo
Instagram: @budgie646

Zola Jesus:
Facebook: @zolajesusofficial
Instagram: @zolajesus
Twitter: @zolajesus

Curious Creatures is a partner of the Double Elvis podcast network. For more of the best music storytelling follow @DoubleElvis on Instagram or search Double Elvis in your podcast app.

